Pubg: 5 best weapons in the game (& the 5 worst) micro uzi can decimate every other assault rifle in the game the only downside of the gun is the lack of range and that players need to. Pubg game best gun. As we know that pubg is the most played game of 2018 pubg mobile features a 100 players battle royale on a small island players have to collect weapons, gears, and all the stuff for battle the last man standing wins a chicken dinner today we will show u the top 5 most powerful weapons of pubg so here are best guns of pubg.
pubg game best gun
Tommy gun smgs are great only in close combat due to their extremely high fire rate and low recoil however, you should never opt for an smg instead of an assault rifle, which is by far the best type of weapon in the game but if you happen to find a tommy gun, then make it your backup weapon in case you have low ammo on your assault rifle. Pubg online is massive multiplayer online action battle arena with most realistic action shooting experience! grab pubg gun and get shooting! kill enemies, grab weapons and enjoy fps famous shooting game now online!. Lets have some discussion on the best gun in the game. whats the best gun, in your opinion? easy for me... groza. jump to content. login; deutsch; english; espa