So, for playing free fire in your light phone, you don’t have to uninstall apps, delete photos, videos, they can be at their place safely let me tell you a cool fact, pubg came in 2018 and free. Pubg or free fire which came first. Free fire vs pubg will give you a fair idea, which one is the best game to play due to the immense popularity of this genre, lots of game came into the mainstream and the most renowned names are pubg, did they open the first restaurant of human meat in the april 28, 2018.
pubg or free fire which came first
Pubg vs garena free fire: conclusion in our comparison of pubg vs garena free fire, we found out that pubg is significantly the best battle royale game there are many key differences between the games in terms of performance hence, we recommend people to download and play pubg for a better experience. What is garena free fire? free fire is an open-world game that includes fighting and tactics as well. the concept of the free fire game is similar to pubg. a total of 100 players are taken to an island in the plane, and then the players jump all across the island to get them separated from the other players.. Even though pubg is a close competitor, free fire gained massive popularity in the year 2019 and became the most downloaded game in that year which was the reason why it received “best popular.