Pubg mobile controller iphone ios tutorial for apple june 2018 update - duration: how to pair an xbox one controller with an iphone or ipad - duration: 3:03 macworld 2,110,964 views. Pubg mobile xbox controller ios. Pubg mobile finally made its way to the us this week, and its surprise launch has left players with many questions, particularly on the topic of controller support can you use a ps4 or xbox.
pubg mobile xbox controller ios
Ios 13 controller support & pubg mobile the recent launch of ios 13 brought the battle for pubg mobile controller support back into the spotlight, however one of apple’s new stand-out features is the apple arcade: a subscription-based service chock full of quality curated video games playable on ios devices. The official line regarding controller support is likely to disappoint a lot of pubg mobile fans. however, all may not be as it seems, so let’s take a look at ios and android options, or lack thereof. android controller support: officially speaking, pubg mobile for android does not support bluetooth-based controllers for in-game play. this.