You're not alone, as many on ios are reporting they ca skip navigation sign in pubg mobile 040 update not showing up on ios? - 5 days later - finally released!! derek g. Pubg ios update not showing up. Pubg mobile 0135 is now rolling out on ios and android after a beta and this update has a very useful feature that wasn’t in the beta in addition to the upgraded season system and the pp-19.
pubg ios update not showing up
The smaller updates can be downloaded and installed just by firing up pubg mobile on patch day but the bigger updates, like the 0180 mad miramar update, need to be downloaded from your device’s app store of choice fire up the google play store or ios app store to download the 0180update pubg mobile 0180 app crashes and not launching. As you guys know pubg mobile 0.5.0 update has been released and its marvellous and consists miramar map. but the problem is that in many devices when people head to playstore for upgrade pubg. To give everyone a better gaming experience, pubg mobile will be pushing out updates starting from july 7th. the server will not be taken offline for this update. this update requires approximately 1.84 gb of storage space on android devices and 2.13 gb of storage space on ios devices..