Tuesday, December 21, 2021

0 Downloading Sccm


We have new sccm environment 1910 version testing software updates on some test machines on all win 81 test machines, patches got installed on all win 10 machines updates are stuck at 0% downloading all these win 81 and win 10 machines are in same subnet and checked for boundary and boundary g. 0 downloading sccm. All servers and clients in your organization are not downloading windows updates from sccm and all windows updates stuck on 0% updates are visibles in the software center: the root cause can be multiple depending your environment, but one of the common solution is to check the log files.

0 downloading sccm

SCCM Task Sequence Failed with error code 0x000001B6 ...

Sccm task sequence failed with error code 0x000001b6