This makes the emulator ideal for high-end games such as pubg mobile and call of duty mobile but many people are new to the memu emulator so here is a noobs2pro special guide on how to optimize memu emulator settings to fix lag for high-end games like pubg mobile and call of duty. Fix lag pubg mobile memu. Pubg mobile has more lag issues than any other game i know so to help my fellow pubg mobile gamers fix their lag issues here is the ultimate guide to fix the lag in pubg mobile there are three sections in the ultimate guide the first section deals the mobile device settings to fix the lag in pubg mobile.
fix lag pubg mobile memu
Sebagai contoh, saya memiliki 12 core, dan untuk memainkan game seperti pubg mobile atau rules of survival saya memakai setengahnya pada memu hasilnya cukup memuaskan, saya bisa bermain game dengan sangat lancar tanpa ada lag dan patah-patah sama sekali. Memu offers you all the things that you are expecting. download and play game booster, bug & lag fixer on pc. play as long as you want, no more limitations of battery, mobile data and disturbing calls. the brand new memu 7 is the best choice of playing game booster, bug & lag fixer on pc.. Recently, the newly launched smg weapon mp5k has been made available in vikendi map. developers seem to be in full preparation to take the game to a greater level after 0.15.0 update. you can experience the new map on pc with memu: step by step to play pubg mobile on pc we highly recommend playing pubg mobile on pc using memu android emulator..