As per a tweet by the official pubg mobile account, the pubg mobile vikendi snow map release date is december 20, while the start time and date is 5:30am ist on december 21 when it would be. Pubg vikendi map release date in mobile. Pubg mobile 010 update: what’s new in the vikendi snow map the vikendi map is a 6km x 6km snow map which will be available for download at 0:00 utc on december 20, 2018, while it will be available for matchmaking 24 hours later.
pubg vikendi map release date in mobile
The vikendi snow map for pubg mobile will be available for download starting from 0:00 utc on december 20, 2018, while it will be available for matchmaking 24 hours later pubg pc live server will get the vikendi snow map on december 19 while matchmaking will be available in the next 24 hours. Vikendi on pubg mobile pubg mobile will receive the map as a part of a new update on 20 december 2018. matchmaking will be made live on this snow map 24 hours after the initial release.. Pubg mobile vikendi map release date news and 0.10.0 update download the pubg mobile vikendi release date is set for this week, following the launch of the update 0.10.0 download..