Then you are at the right place because in this post we are going to share with you a complete list of all popularity items in pubg mobile, so let’s begin: common popularity items 1 like popularity value: 30 like can only be sent to teammates from the match screen results 2 medal. List item pubg mobile. About battlegrounds playerunknown's battlegrounds (pubg) is a competitive survival shooter formally developed/published by blueholepubg is now being developed by pubg corp, a bluehole subsidiary company in cooperation with brendan greene (playerunknown) as the creative director, pubg is greene's first standalone game players are dropped into a wide, open area, and they must fight to the.
list item pubg mobile
Crates is one of the few ways to get clothing for your character in pubg mobile opening them will reward you with a random skin from their pool of items! clothes are only for cosmetic purposes clothes do not function like the equipment in the game they are merely for cosmetic purposes and do not offer any gameplay advantages whatsoever. Welcome to the pubg lite survivor’s guide. take a tour in this guide and become the last man standing! winner winner chicken dinner!. Items i: own permanent weapon finishes x5. 5. pubg premium crate coupon x1 ii: own permanent weapon finishes x10. 10. pubg premium crate coupon x2 iii: own permanent weapon finishes x25. 20. pubg premium crate coupon x3 iv: own permanent weapon finishes x50. 40. sandstorm - scar-l: skeleton hand items collect the following sets. skeleton hand.