For playing the custom matches with your friends, you need to download the pubg test server after that; you need to launch the application and wait for its loading press the play button and select the custom match you are now ready to play the custom match with your friends after all the settings, it shows all the participants. Pubg how to create a custom match. Create match – normal mode 1 name your custom match and set it to either public or private 2 select a game mode (normal is the standard “battle royale” experience) 3 select a preset—more of these will be made available over time 4 these are default settings which are necessary to create any custom match 5.
pubg how to create a custom match
Pubg: create and join a custom match as of right now, the ability to create a custom match is only available to developers and 80+ pubg partners custom match creation will likely be rolled out to the public in a later update. I made a suggestion on this sub yesterday that they decrease the minimum required number of players for a custom match to 4 . i doubt that this news is related but i'm really glad it gives us a chance to try custom games with squadmates ! really hope this makes it to the live servers eventually :) in any case thanks pubg corp !.