One is pubg: exhilarating battlefield designed after pc style visuals and gameplay it has been developed by an entity of tencent; quantum studios and lightspeed the other pubg game for smartphones is pubg: army attack which has been devised and developed by timi studio by tencent. Pubg exhilarating battlefield for ios. Be the last man standing in this official port of the popular battle royale hit pubg pubg mobile: battlefield is the genuine mobile game of playerunknown's battlegrounds.
pubg exhilarating battlefield for ios
Pubg exhilarating battlefield is an action/adventure game which is developed by lightspeed & quantum studiopubg exhilarating battlefield is one of two official titles based on playerunknown’s battlegrounds launched for the asian marketthis version, unlike pubg army attack, is much closer to the original game by bluehole studiothe game drops you into a battle royale in which 100 real. Further reading: pubg, android, bluehole, ios, playerunknowns battlegrounds, pubg android, pubg iphone, tencent, pubg army attack, pubg exhilarating battlefield kingdom come: deliverance ps4 day. The 0.8 update of pubg mobile is finally here, with its biggest lure being a new map, which reached the pc version at the end of june. this time, the update is going to take place practically simultaneously on both the international and the asian (exhilarating battlefield) version, with it already available for download for the latter. read more.