How i play pubg mobile with my ps4 controller on my samsung s6 hope this helps you guys i have also managed to fully connect to a xbox 1 controller, and the joy-con remotes from a nintendo switch. Pubg mobile ps4 controller setup. Pubg mobile finally made its way to the us this week, and its surprise launch has left players with many questions, particularly on the topic of controller support can you use a ps4 or xbox.
pubg mobile ps4 controller setup
Pubg mobile button set up | panda gamepad pro activate button mapping setting part 1 video - https://youtube/mdygb8h-hfw panda gamepad pro activation video. We’ve put together a ps4 controller guide to get you ready for launch day. below are the controls and functions that we recommend familiarizing yourself with before jumping into your first match on december 7! playerunknown’s battlegrounds and pubg are registered trademarks, trademarks or service marks of pubg corporation.. Any controller, so you can play with pubg ps4, pubg xbox one controllers. also why you should try using a controller. this method works with most steam games as well. should definitely work with.